Mid With Merchant Name,Sub Category and CST Vertical
Modified on: Thu, 4 Mar, 2021 at 1:47 PM
Mid With Merchant Name,Sub Category and CST Vertical
Mid | Merchant Name | Sub Category | CST Vertical |
scwpay09224240900570 | Paytm | Wallet Add Money | Wallet |
PayAir76732240801384 | Paytm | Recharge | Recharge |
PayBil30665145877539 | Paytm | Recharge | Recharge |
PayVod07962196880002 | Paytm | Recharge | Recharge |
PayIde40777859264473 | Paytm | Recharge | Recharge |
PayDTH58488145468455 | Paytm | Recharge | Recharge |
PayAir76732240801384 | Paytm | Recharge | Recharge |
slSpEG68327288525417 | Paytm | Marketplace | MP |
KgyQDE28612337284417 | Paytm | Recharge | Recharge (BSNL) |
PayBil30665145877539 | Paytm | Recharge | Recharge |
PayVod07962196880002 | Paytm | Recharge | Recharge |
PTMTRA66715246492415 | Paytm | Paytm Transport | Recharge (Metro) |
PayTra15991306162953 | Paytm | Recharge | Travel |
PayIde40777859264473 | Paytm | Recharge | Recharge |
PayEnt06099078339531 | Paytm | Marketplace | Movies |
PayEnt06099078339531 | Paytm | Marketplace | Movies |
PayDTH58488145468455 | Paytm | Recharge | Recharge |
slSpEG68327288525417 | Paytm | Marketplace | MP |
PayPre08059681083298 | Paytm | Paytm Utility | Recharge (Utility Bill) |
PTMCER32910043159337 | Paytm | Paytm Postpaid | Postpaid |
PTMDGO09180619534929 | Paytm | Paytm Gold | Gold |
YXwYLs51053157209367 | UBER | UBER | 3rd Party |
UberEA46906280393102 | Uber Eats | UBER | 3rd Party |
Jublia80102820918555 | Jubliant | Domino's, Dunkin' Donuts | 3rd Party |
PTMZOM24976661150514 | Paytm | Recharge | Food |
PTMLOA13278196561205 | Paytm Bfsi 4 | Paytm BFSI | Recharge (Loans Repayment) |
Paydoc32236496615878 | Paytm | Recharge | Recharge (Docomo) |
PTMVIS48435535949128 | Paytm | NA | Recharge (CC Bill) |
Paybus82610812744593 | Paytm BUS | Recharge | Travel (Bus) |
PTMGUT69088997785758 | Paytm | Paytm Utility | Recharge (Utility Bill) |
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